Recipient Overview - where are the recipients?
Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:43 pm
I just imported a set of recipients, a few more than 40.000. Now I have the problem that in 'Recipient - Overview' a subset with 50 recipients per page is shown to the user and a pager at the bottom shows page 1 upto 20.
So, with the pager I am now able to access the first 1.000 recipients of a list (50 users on 20 pages). How can I get an overview of the rest of the recipients?
For now I would call this "feature" a bug, because the only way to get a glance at the other users is to add a filter with customer_id grater than a multiple of 1.000.
This is obviously not a serious bug, because one does not need to browse the whole list of recipients all the time. Usually you add filters to narrow your selection. Anyway, it should be no big deal to expand the functionality of the pager to be capable of displaying the complete list of recipients.
If a list is big enough even a filtered subset can be grater than 1.000 entries and you may want to go through all the results with the pager.
Any help, feedback or short notice is appreciated.
I just imported a set of recipients, a few more than 40.000. Now I have the problem that in 'Recipient - Overview' a subset with 50 recipients per page is shown to the user and a pager at the bottom shows page 1 upto 20.
So, with the pager I am now able to access the first 1.000 recipients of a list (50 users on 20 pages). How can I get an overview of the rest of the recipients?
For now I would call this "feature" a bug, because the only way to get a glance at the other users is to add a filter with customer_id grater than a multiple of 1.000.
This is obviously not a serious bug, because one does not need to browse the whole list of recipients all the time. Usually you add filters to narrow your selection. Anyway, it should be no big deal to expand the functionality of the pager to be capable of displaying the complete list of recipients.
If a list is big enough even a filtered subset can be grater than 1.000 entries and you may want to go through all the results with the pager.
Any help, feedback or short notice is appreciated.