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could not connect to database

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:33 pm
by mittax
Hello Friends,

I installed openemm how discribed in the manual. First python 2.5 then the mysql-module then the jdk 6.09 update.

if i run setup.bat i must enter the mysql password ...till here all is fine.

then i must enter the password again. after this i got the error "could not connect to database".

mysql is running and all the tables for openemm are installed. the user agnitas is registered in mysql to.

what could be the matter?
if i edit the script and delete the mysql check, the tomcatserver could start but with an mysql-exception....logical

greets mitteax

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:39 pm
by alex78

Could you insert the following line into after line 135 ("if not i:")

Code: Select all

        print db.lasterr.args

( please pay attention to the indentation of "print...")
Then run it again.
A more detailed error message should be printed.

-- Alex78

it works but ..

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:17 pm
by mittax
Thank you.

I connect on port 3307 so i got do add the parameter port in the db.connect.

now i got the message "running".

but now it happend nothing. the resin-server doesnt start. if i start http.exe manualy i got the message "no resin_home" found.

if i open the config files there is a xml tag "server". it contains

<server xmlns=""

but unter this url there is nothing.

whats the matter?

Greet mittax

please close

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:35 pm
by mittax
i solved it. i got no valid enviroment-variable


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:27 pm
by mitrax
Where da i find a file like db.connect?
Or where do give the parameter for database connection (port number etc.)?