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Is openemm a commercial mailer

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:44 pm
by maxsutter
here is a feature list of a standard commercial mailer - what features is openemm lacking?


Ultra fast delivery with average speed of 1-2mm per hour on pIII 1Ghz
IP/domain rotation
Up to 255 virtual sites with dedicated IPs on single server
Precise bandwidth control
Full delivery control: pause, resume, cancel, reuse
Real time and full delivery statistics
Automatic bounces handling
Automatic complaints handling
100% compatible with all mail servers
Domain keys

Campaigns and mailings

Target mailing to just those that have recently opened/clicked on your mails.
Organize your mailings with VoloMP powerful campaigns
Predefined mail templates
Save unfinished messages as Drafts
Send full personalized mails
Create separate creative for text, AOL and HTML mail readers or let VoloMP to create it automatically
Full featured HTML WYSIWYG editor
Embeded images in HTML messages
Target mailings using VoloMP advanced selection filters (limit mailing to a town, state, gender or age)
Preview and test your mailings before sending
Custom From and Reply fields
Select message priority
Schedule mailings to any moment in future
SPAM filter tests
Recurring mails


Delivery speed graphs
Delivery reports: delivered, bounced, opened, click through, …
Detailed bounce analysis: top 10 domains for each bounce type: permanent (user unknown, block, …), temporary (user out of quota, connection timeout/refused, dns failure, …)
Number of AOL, Spamcop and other complaints per each mailing.
Number of unsubscribes by web or email for each mailing.
Download bounces, clickers, openers report.
Send reports to mail.
Export mailing reports to Microsoft Excel.


Track who is reading your mail.
Unlimited number of tracking links/redirects per mail message.
Unlimited number of actions for clickers and openers.
Subscribe or unsubscribe recipients when mail has been opened or link has been clicked.
Set user fields according their reaction on received mails.
Tracked links format customizable templates.

List maintenance

Unlimited number of recipients
Up to 196 mailing lists.
Up to 250 database fields.
Automatic or manual header and footer for your lists.
Lists statistics.
100% customizable self-subscription and self-unsubscription Web forms
"One-click unsubscribe" feature
Bulk import users form your files
Export and backup your lists directly from web interface
Automatic daily backups saved in secure data center.
Basic and advanced recipients search and modify functions
Ban unwanted addresses, domains or any e-mail address pattern from ever subscribing again.
Suppression files and suppression lists.
Split/Merge mailing lists.


Clean and intuitive menu based Web interface
Control your campaigns form any location
Complete User guide and FAQ
Support department: phone, mail, chat, ICQ...
Email marketing consulting
Secure data storage
Branding/Private label