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Mails Not Sending

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:24 pm
by skarphace
Hola. We're trying to send out a mailing. Everything seems to work, there's no sign of a problem... except the mails aren't sending.

We see this on the 'Send Mailing' page.

Code: Select all

  Generated E-Mails:  	  8,361
  Sent E-Mails: 	  0
  Total E-Mails: 	  8,361
The mailgun logs look fine. Just shows how everything has been generated. Here's a tail of that log.

Code: Select all

[18.09.2007  08:37:55] VERBOSE/writer/meta/(1/57/26/42): Currently at 8100 mails (in block 3: 3099) 
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] VERBOSE/writer/meta/(1/57/26/42): Currently at 8200 mails (in block 3: 3199) 
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] VERBOSE/writer/meta/(1/57/26/42): Currently at 8300 mails (in block 3: 3299) 
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] INFO/writer/(1/57/26/42): End block 3
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] INFO/writer/meta/(1/57/26/42): Skip validation of XML document
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] DEBUG/dbase/(1/57/26/42): DB-Updt: UPDATE mailing_backend_log_tbl SET current_mails = 8361, total_mails = 8361 WHERE status_id = 42
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] VERBOSE/billing/(1/57/26/42): Final update backend_log done.
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] NOTICE/billing/(1/57/26/42): Total mail messages written: 8361
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] NOTICE/billing/(1/57/26/42): Mailtype 0: 0 messages
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] NOTICE/billing/(1/57/26/42): Mailtype 1: 8361 messages
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] NOTICE/billing/(1/57/26/42): Mailtype 2: 0 messages
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] DEBUG/dbase/(1/57/26/42): DB-Updt: INSERT INTO mailtrack_tbl (company_id, status_id, mailing_id, customer_id) SELECT 1, 42, 26, cust.customer_id FROM customer_1_tbl cust, customer_1_binding_tbl bind WHERE bind.customer_id = cust.customer_id AND (bind.mailinglist_id = 57 AND (bind.user_status = 1))
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] DEBUG/dbase/(1/57/26/42): DB-Updt: UPDATE maildrop_status_tbl SET genchange = now(), genstatus = 3 WHERE status_id = 42 AND genstatus = 2
[18.09.2007  08:37:55] DEBUG/execute/(1/57/26/42): Successful end
Everything looks fine to me. Also, /home/openemm/var/spool/QUEUE/ is empty and `sendmail -dp` shows 0 in the queue.

Any ideas where I should go next to find out why this would be happening?

EDIT: We're running OpenEMM 5.1.1 on FreeBSD 6.2

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:59 pm
by skarphace
It appears python-mysql wasn't installed. Odd considering the system has worked in previous mailings. Oh well, atleast things are working now.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:16 pm
by m0rpheu5
I really have the same problem, and i don´t know what could be, have you fixed this problem??

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:45 pm
by harfst
Same deal here! What's the solution???

I have python-mysql installed, so that's not it.