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'All target-groups' checkbox not sticky

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:50 pm
by mcdaggsier
This seems like a bug. If not, it's a UI issue:

I created a mailing, assigned 4 target groups to it, and checked the box that says 'Subscriber has to be in all target-groups'. Saved and all was fine.

I logged out, logged back in, and viewed the mailing: the checkbox was unchecked.

I really think the checkbox should be sticky (in my case, remain checked). Here's why: I edited my mail content and hit save, not knowing the checkbox had unchecked itself. the mail was a date-based mailing. the next day i had unwittingly sent an email to 40,000 people :(

i'm using 5.3.0 on linux.

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 12:56 pm
by maschoff
Could you please describe a little more in detail: Did you use a template? Did you use the 4 target groups for one text block or 4 text blocks? Where exactly is the ill-behaving checkbox located in the user interface? Thank you!

How to reproduce the bug

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:01 pm
by mcdaggsier
Thanks for the quick response.

I did not use a template, i created a new mail from scratch. to be clear: i am talking about the UI on the 'mailing' tab, not the 'content' tab. So, the 4 target groups were for the entire mailing (not just part of it). I entered the contents of my email from the 'mailing' tab. The ill-behaved checkbox is on the 'mailing' tab, it shows up when you add 2 or more target groups and it says 'Subscriber has to be in all target-groups' next to it.

Here's how to duplicate the bug:
Create an mail (manual, not wizard). Enter contents on 'mailing' tab. make it date-based. add two target groups. check the 'Subscriber has to be in all target-groups' checkbox. Save. Log out.

Log back in. Look at the email. The checkbox will be unchecked. If you save, you will be OR-ing your target groups instead of AND-ing them.

If it helps, i checked mailing_tbl and for my email the column 'target_expression' changed from '17 & 13' to '17 | 13'


Not a feature ...

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:31 pm
by maschoff
We were able to reproduce this unwanted behaviour. It is a nasty bug and will be fixed in the next release. We will provide a patch via our bugtracker on SourceForge ( ... tid=848488) soon. Stay tuned!

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:06 pm
by alex78
A patch is now available.
For further information please see ... tid=848488

The OpenEMM Team

looks like it's working

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:32 pm
by mcdaggsier
thanks for your quick response!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:35 pm
by maschoff
The bug is fixed in the latest release 5.3.2.