Coupon mailing.
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:23 am
We are in the process of using Opememm to handle sending out our biweekly newsletters. It looks as if it will work beautifully.
Today when talking to one of our developers we were discussing offering coupons to our members for discounts off our product offerings. We discussed two types of coupons. One that is done manually for one user (think of keeping them happy when we make a mistake!), the other would be generated based upon statistics and used for more than one individual.
These automatic coupons would be tied to an individual and have a defined lifespan. The conversation turned on this subject about how we generate them and then how we mail them out. I immediately thought that a nice way to track them would be using OpenEMM. That is something that we can not do with our own system that easily as it is not anything more than sending an email message. We can't track if the user opened the email easily.
So my question is, has anyone used OpenEmm to do this? I feel comfortable that we could run our report, generate a CSV/Text file that would have the email address/info, as well as a unique jpg which has the code in it, as well as a field for the text version. Is there an easy way to take this data into OpenEmm and let it blast out the mails for tracking purposes or am I better off having my system run the report and start sending out the emails on it's own?
Thanks in advance.
We are in the process of using Opememm to handle sending out our biweekly newsletters. It looks as if it will work beautifully.
Today when talking to one of our developers we were discussing offering coupons to our members for discounts off our product offerings. We discussed two types of coupons. One that is done manually for one user (think of keeping them happy when we make a mistake!), the other would be generated based upon statistics and used for more than one individual.
These automatic coupons would be tied to an individual and have a defined lifespan. The conversation turned on this subject about how we generate them and then how we mail them out. I immediately thought that a nice way to track them would be using OpenEMM. That is something that we can not do with our own system that easily as it is not anything more than sending an email message. We can't track if the user opened the email easily.
So my question is, has anyone used OpenEmm to do this? I feel comfortable that we could run our report, generate a CSV/Text file that would have the email address/info, as well as a unique jpg which has the code in it, as well as a field for the text version. Is there an easy way to take this data into OpenEmm and let it blast out the mails for tracking purposes or am I better off having my system run the report and start sending out the emails on it's own?
Thanks in advance.