SOAP Interface: solution for installation trouble
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:49 pm
Had huge troubles getting the soap interface to function, I kept receiving the error "The AXIS engine could not find a target service to invoke! targetService is null" -- after hours of googling and finally playing around with wsdl namespace definitions, I got the webservice to work by creating the wsdl as follows:
instead of the instructed
Code: Select all
./ -o ws.wsdl -l "http://localhost:8080/emm_webservice" -n "urn:agnitas-webservice" -w ALL org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_Port
./ -o ws.wsdl -l "http://localhost:8080/emm_webservice" -n "http://localhost:8080/emm_webservice" -w ALL org.agnitas.webservice.EmmWebService_Port