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Adding Categories to E-Mail

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:53 pm
by OldManRiver

Noticed there was no way to categorize the email addressess, so added the code

Code: Select all

Use OpenEMM;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `mailing_cat`;
CREATE TABLE `mailing_cat` (
  `cat_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'Unique ID',
  `cat_px` int(11) NOT NULL                COMMENT 'Parent ID back to cat_id',
  `cat_nm` varchar(24) NOT NULL            COMMENT 'Category Name',
  `cat_vl` varchar(5) NOT NULL             COMMENT 'Reserved Value',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`cat_id`)

INSERT INTO `mailing_cat` (`cat_id`, `cat_px`, `cat_nm`) VALUES
	(01, 00, 'Corporate'),
	(02, 00, 'Finance'),
	(03, 00, 'Jobs'),
	(04, 00, 'Legal'),
	(05, 00, 'Maketing'),
	(06, 00, 'Prayer'),
	(07, 00, 'Products'),
	(08, 00, 'Projects'),
	(09, 00, 'Sports'),
	(10, 01, 'Customer Service'),
	(11, 01, 'Employees'),
	(12, 01, 'Investor Relations'),
	(13, 01, 'Public Relations'),
	(14, 01, 'Stockholders'),
	(15, 01, 'Tech Support'),
	(16, 02, 'Banking'),
	(17, 02, 'Factoring'),
	(18, 02, 'Investing'),
	(19, 02, 'Loans'),
	(20, 02, 'Ven Cap'),
	(21, 03, 'Access DB'),
	(22, 03, 'Business Analyst'),
	(23, 03, 'C++'),
	(24, 03, 'DBA'),
	(25, 03, 'Director'),
	(26, 03, 'Executive'),
	(27, 03, 'LAMP'),
	(28, 03, 'MS-SQL DB'),
	(29, 03, 'MySQL DB'),
	(30, 03, 'Network Admin - Linux/Unix'),
	(31, 03, 'Network Admin - Windows'),
	(32, 03, 'Oracle DB'),
	(33, 03, 'Power Builder'),
	(34, 03, 'Process Analyst'),
	(35, 03, 'SyBase DB'),
	(36, 03, 'System Analyst'),
	(37, 03, 'System Architect'),
	(38, 03, 'Visual Basic'),
	(39, 03, 'Web Admin'),
	(40, 03, 'Web Developer - Graphic'),
	(41, 03, 'Web Developer - Templates'),
	(42, 03, 'Web Developer - Scripter'),
	(43, 04, 'Appeals'),
	(44, 04, 'Collections'),
	(45, 04, 'Notifications'),
	(46, 04, 'Resolutions'),
	(47, 05, 'Architects'),
	(48, 05, 'Attorneys'),
	(49, 05, 'Code Enforcement'),
	(50, 05, 'Electrical Contractors'),
	(51, 05, 'Electrical Engineers'),
	(52, 05, 'Electrical Suppliers'),
	(53, 05, 'General Contractors'),
	(54, 05, 'Health Care'),
	(55, 05, 'Manufacturers'),
	(56, 05, 'Property Management'),
	(57, 05, 'Structural Engineers'),
	(58, 06, 'Prayer Chain'),
	(59, 06, 'Intercessors'),
	(60, 06, 'Praying Friends'),
	(61, 07, 'Antennas'),
	(62, 07, 'Computer Systems'),
	(63, 07, 'Connectivity'),
	(64, 07, 'Software'),
	(65, 07, 'Telephone Systems'),
	(66, 07, 'Transceivers'),
	(67, 07, 'Wireless'),
	(68, 09, 'Basketball'),
	(69, 09, 'Football'),
	(70, 09, 'Soccer');

ALTER TABLE `mailing_tbl` 
	ADD `mailing_cat` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `mailing_id` ,
	ADD `mailing_sub` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `mailing_cat` ;
Have not looked at incorporation into user interface, but had a PHP email scrubber script that needed this, so added it.