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Bug in OpenEMM 5.3.2

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:53 pm
by skoehler

has anyone noticed, that the forms to create/update users are completely messed up?

I cannot create a user. The password-checker changes from a red to a blue bar, but the submit-button is not enabled. Firefox's JavaScript-Console shows a lot of errors.

Updating of users doesn't work either. OpenEMM complains, that i haven't entered a password - which is exactly, what i want because i don't want to update the users password. Just some other data.

Bug in OpenEMM 5.3.2

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:59 pm
by Gecko
The submit or save button in the user administration will enabled if you enter the same password under "Password" and "Confirm". Even if you do not want to change the password, but other user details, you have to enter the password two times for security reasons.

Hope this will help.

Re: Bug in OpenEMM 5.3.2

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:58 pm
by skoehler
Gecko wrote:The submit or save button in the user administration will enabled if you enter the same password under "Password" and "Confirm". Even if you do not want to change the password, but other user details, you have to enter the password two times for security reasons.

Hope this will help.
All right! There is a "confirm"-field now. Sorry, oversaw it.
There should really be a alert-box for that case.

But the JavaScript-Issue are still there:
Error: document.getElementById(name) has no properties
Source: ... Ranking.js
Line: 55

Actually, it's only there when adding a new user.

And when modifying an existing user:
I don't think, that's a security check. I don't think, that you have to enter the password, the user already has (Otherwise: how would you change the password?) I think, whatever password you type, it will be set for the user upon commiting the form.