Unsubscribe of Apple mail not recognized

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Unsubscribe of Apple mail not recognized

Post by rodig03 »


I am getting unsubscribe mails created by Apple mail that are forwarded by OpenEMM to the reply address - so they are not recognized as Unsubscribe by header.
It looks like this

Code: Select all

Sender: xxx.yyy@zzz.dd
(the receiving mail address)

Code: Select all

Subject: unsubscribe:D.A.B8.8I.A.A.ffB_nlcEbZJPEAuNPlDK1VxI8HCDg0a25UvMj8NV-TJfvRBW3FRbQiUFwXDtq2iFgX_owKu3eFFpLOYs98ueOw
Body: Apple Mail hat diese E-Mail gesendet, um das Abo von „xxxxx“ zu beenden.
Is there a way to handle this automatically?
I am currently using Openemm Fall 2019 on CentOS.

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Re: Unsubscribe of Apple mail not recognized

Post by maschoff »

Did you set up a bounce filter for your reply address?
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Re: Unsubscribe of Apple mail not recognized

Post by rodig03 »

Sorry for the late reply.
Yes, we do use a bounce filter and bounces from gmx, yahoo etc. are recognized. Even some false positives.
But we do get the apple mail results forwarded to the mail address that get the mails that are not classified as automated responses (usually human feedback).
Setup is
filter address: news@nl.mydomain.tld
forward address: service@mydomain.tld

the hostname and the domain for the newsletters is the same nl.mydomain.tld
mxtoolbox is not showing errors.
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