Admin Guide 1.2.0 - does it work ?

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Admin Guide 1.2.0 - does it work ?

Post by JuergenB »


i have tried to install OpenEMM on a fresh CentOs 7 (CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2003) with the Admin Guide 1.2.0
Most of the description looks Right, but i have some Problems during Runtime Deployment.
And it will not work (not even a Website Shows up).

The Problems i have starts in

5.2 Runtime ..
Guide says to install as user openemm and that the environment variables should set as described,
But These environment variables are empty during Deployment.

AND as openemm user i am not allowed to install These parts.
I think this should be done as root.

With root i can start the installer and configure Java, tomcat and wkhtml

This is what i get (Looks different)

JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
CATALINA_HOME: /home/openemm/opt/tomcat
WKHTMLTOPDF: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf
WKHTMLTOIMAGE: /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage

Next i start the Frontend and Backend Deployment, gui, statistics, webservices, backend

Then i followed 5.4 Configuration as root but i am not allowed to configure OpenEMM
I think the Guide should says: do this as openemm user.

In 5.5 Startup i should verify the catalina.out
But the cmd is wrong or it should use the full path

tail -f /home/openemm/logs/catalina.out
  • So, what am i missing if i follow this guide?
  • For what OS Relase is this guide writen?
  • The only way to get OpenEMM running is to clone the OVA and move to Hyper-V
I migrated the OVA from Virtual Box and did the last two updates.
Only Stumbling block is the removal of the tomcat APR and Key files during upgrade.

Current Problem is tomcat, it says it wouldn´t be configured.

SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Cannot start server, server instance is not configured

Can someone verify the documentation?
maybe i can share my installation script, if this would help?

I use installer openemm-runtime-


at least i found the old installer on my disk (
This installer is fine and i get OpenEMM Running now.

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Re: Admin Guide 1.2.0 - does it work ?

Post by maschoff »

Thanks, we will emphasize that installation of Java and wkthmltox needs user root in the next release of the guide and we will make clear that catalina.out is located in openemm's home directory.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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