Import Error: One column could not be imported twice.

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Import Error: One column could not be imported twice.

Post by crenshaw »

I have individual .CSV files for each state that I am trying to import into a new OpenEMM installation. All of the files contain the same data, and I have successfully imported Washington, Oregon, and 1 of 4 pages of California data for a total of about 70k entries.

Now; however, after pressing proceed on step two of the import wizard, it takes me back to step 1 with the error: "Import Error: One column could not be imported twice."

I'm at a loss. The format of the csv is:
Agent Name,Agency Name,Address,City,State,Zipcode,County,Phone,website,email,gender,mailtype

It would look something like:
A Janelle Pfleiger,"Re/Max Properties, Inc.",110 W. 38th Avenue,Anchorage,AK,99503,Anchorage,907.276-2761,,,2,1

I've thought that perhaps it was a duplicate, in this case the city and county are the same, but removing one or the other didn't help.

Thanks in advance for your support!


**EDIT** Forgot to mention that this is version 5.4.0
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Post by maschoff »

Have you tried out column names without a blank like AgentName and AgencyName?
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Post by crenshaw »

I just tried to change the Field Names under the "Edit Profile Fields" menu that had spaces to agentName, agencyName, phoneNumber, zipCode. I noticed that it tells me the fieldname in the database is all lowercase and concatenated (ie, agentname). I still get the same error.

Here is a screenshot of the DB fields:

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Post by maschoff »

OK, that looks alright. Could you provide me with test data by PM so that we can try to reproduce the problem and see if it is a bug we have to fix?
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Post by crenshaw »

As it would turn out (thanks to some excellent help from the support staff), there was a format problem with my .CSV file and not a problem with OpenEMM.

Thanks for all of your help!
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