Conditional contents?

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Conditional contents?

Post by linker3000 »


Is there any way to specify whether data fields or content text should be included in a mailing? Our imported data contains two date/description fields (vacdate and vacdate2) for vaccination reminders, but only one may be in use or valid so Ideally i need to do something like this (pseudo code):


Dear Customer,

Our records show that your pet is due the following vaccinations this month:

[IF $vacdate-$TODAY >= 30] [agnDB column="vacdate"] [agnDB column="vactype"] [ENDIF]

[IF $vacdate2-$TODAY >= 30] [agnDB column="vacdate2"] [agnDB column="vactype2"] [ENDIF]

It would also be great if conditional checks could be used to selectively include or exclude additional content.

The only other ways I can see of doing this are to create two target groups for each mailing (one for each vacdate) or re-engineer our data import, which will not be easy.

Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:02 pm
Location: UK, West Sussex

Post by linker3000 »

Can I bump the issue of conditional text modules as this would be extremely useful - for example, we plan to send vaccination reminders to pet owners and if we could do something like the following it would save having to run more than one template/mailing:

[IF agnDB column="species","CANINE",THISTEXTMODULE]

Any comments!?

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