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how do I change the admin password **

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:47 pm
by sturmey
I changed the admin password through the web interface, and then got distracted by another project. this timed out my session. I had saved the changes to the admin user, but I had not exited the admin user change screen.

Now I can't log in with the admin user account, nor can I log in with the other named user account. this user was not changed. there is a third user account that can still log in, but this user account doesn't have access to change users.

Is there a way I can change the password in the database so that the admin user can log in again?

(this week has been full of these errors not just in this program)

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 8:25 pm
by sturmey
OK, never mind I figured out something. For future reference, and for anyone else who winds up in this situation, here is what I finally did:

Code: Select all

UPDATE admin_tbl AS T1, 
     (SELECT pwd_hash 
     FROM admin_tbl 
     WHERE username = 'goodusername') AS T2 
SET T1.pwd_hash = T2.pwd_hash 
WHERE T1.username = 'admin';
replace "goodusername" with the user that has a working password. I'm not sure why the original save password didn't work and caused this, but I was able to get back in and reset everything.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:59 pm
by philip
After transferring OpenEMM from one WinXP-machine to another one I cannot log in.

I tried every version of admin_tbl but no user-password kombination - not even with the original table from openemm.sql - worked.

Is there any possibility to change the password?

If there is no possibility, how do I transfer one OpenEMM installation from one computer to another one? Do I have do expect the same problems with backups?