Installation on a managed server?

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Installation on a managed server?

Post by shibadoo »

We are running our website and the Emails also on a managed server at a hosting company. Problem is, that we do not have a shell access to this server. As this is only necessary for installation I guess, this can be solved. But the bigger problem is that they do not have java running on their machines. So without java OpennEmm ist not working, right?

Is there a workaround/solution for this? Can we run OpenEmm on a local machine here even when the actual mail-server is on this external managed server? What about the statistical stuff and the trackable links? All these will point to "localhost" when running on a local machine instead of pointing to our Webserver...

Please help!
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Post by maschoff »

First question: Yes. Second question: not that we know of.
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