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OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 8:45 am
by maschoff
The GA version of OpenEMM 21.04 is available now. If you upgrade your runtime to a version 21.04.x, you will be offered to download a release of OpenEMM 21.04. If you do this in a production envrionment, we recommend to make a backup with OMT first (see Install & Admin Guide for details).
You can find a list of the new features here: ... or_changes
The latest Install & Admin Guide is available here: ... _1.0.3.pdf
The OpenEMM code package of OpenEMM 21.04 should work for both RedHat/CentOS and SLES.
If you find any issues with this version, please post in this forum so that we can take care of it.
Re: OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:35 pm
by JuergenB
Thanks for the new release,
I upgraded from 20.04 to 21.04 today and after solving the same problems i have at every upgrade, all is running fine.
With every update the owner:group of /home/openemm/tomcat/logs get´s chanegd to root:root and tomcat can´t write into catalina.out
So i need to change the rights for this folder ...
I think the new admin guide 1.0.3 is missing the installation of mysclient in chapter 3.4 MariaDB for RHEL/CentOS
python3 -m pip install mysqlclient
Thanks for the great product !

Re: OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:50 pm
by maschoff
Thanks for your feedback, we will look into the Tomcat ownership.
With OpenEMM 21.04 we no longer use the mysqlclient for MariaDB (because of problems), but the mariadb driver:
Finally, you need to install Python 3 (see chapter 12) and finalize the configuration with
installing the database driver:
# python3 -m pip install mariadb
Re: OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:11 pm
by JuergenB
but i installed with admin guide 1.0.3 and the sql client was missing...
After starting ./ the installer recommended this cmd ...
[openemm@localhost bin]$ ./
Checking python installation ...
Python version found: 3.8.8
Mandatory python mysql module is missing!
Command to install python mysql module: 'sudo /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install mysqlclient'
What driver should i use?
This happend in my clean Installation with CentOS 8 Stream and 21.04 from scratch.
So i installed mysqlclient ... (last line in script)
# 3.4 MariaDB for RHEL/CentOS 8
dnf -y install mariadb-server mariadb
dnf -y install mariadb-devel mariadb-connector-c
# 12 Deployment of Python 3.8 (or later)
dnf -y install gcc gcc-c++ libgcrypt-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel
dnf -y module enable python38
dnf -y install python38 python38-devel python38-pip python38-requests
pip3.8 install py3dns xlrd xlwt xlutils paramiko pyspf dnspython dkimpy
pip3.8 install pycrypto requests httpie setproctitle
pip3.8 install inotify aiodns aiohttp aiohttp-xmlrpc aiosmtpd
alternatives --set python3 /usr/bin/python3.8
python3 -m pip install mariadb
python3 -m pip install mysqlclient
Re: OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:34 pm
by maschoff
Your file dbcfg is probably not updates. From the manual, section "Special Advice for Updating to 21.04":
Code: Select all
Finally, you have to change the settings in configuration file dbcfg from MySQL to MariaDB. Use OMT’s menu Configuration, sub-menu Change configuration of database connection to change parameter jdbc-connect to
and parameter jdbc-driver to
BTW, we could not reproduce the problem with Tomcat's ownership.
Re: OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:52 pm
by JuergenB
i get the mysqlclient / mariadb error message in a clean installation with runtime
[openemm@localhost bin]$ ./
Checking python installation ...
Python version found: 3.8.8
Mandatory python mysql module is missing!
Command to install python mysql module: 'sudo /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install mysqlclient'
During a clean installation there is no etc/dbcfg that i can edit...
Must be a installer error
Re: OpenEMM 21.04 now available
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 1:09 pm
by JuergenB
Can you verifiy your python/mysql verification?
It´s only verifiying if mysqlclient is installed and not mariadb client, so i assumes the installer MUST fail on
CentOS 8.
Code: Select all
pythonmysql="$(${PYTHON} -c 'import MySQLdb' 2>&1)"
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then {
tput setaf 1 # set text output to red
echo "[b]Mandatory python mysql module is missing![/b]"
tput sgr0 # reset text color
[b]if [ "${osVendor}" == "Suse" ]; then {[/b]
echo "Commands to install python mysql module:"
echo "Configure the official MariaDB repository ''"
[b]echo "zypper install -y MariaDB-devel MariaDB-shared MariaDB-client"[/b]
echo "pip2 install mysqlclient"
exit 1
} [b]else[/b] {
[b]echo "Command to install python mysql module: 'sudo ${PYTHON} -m pip install mysqlclient'"[/b]