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bav does not forward emails according to bounce filter
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:30 pm
by sannc
Hi there!
I am almost finished with setting up OpenEMM on a Gentoo box with Postfix as MTA (--> sendmail disabled!). There is one thing which does not work properly yet: Emails to my bounce address ( are not forwarded to the email address I entered as forward-to address.
I spent some time searching for my mistake and stumbled across the files in /home/openemm/var/spool/filter. There is a file called "sent-unspec" which contains all my missing test emails but none of them made it into my inbox.
Which logfile can I check or who can help me with this issue?
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:48 am
by maschoff
You must not use Postfix but the internal SMTP server of OpenEMM (which is automatically enabled is you disable Sendmail). Two MTAs on the same machine running at the same time will cause problems.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:43 pm
by sannc
ma wrote:You must not use Postfix but the internal SMTP server of OpenEMM (which is automatically enabled is you disable Sendmail). Two MTAs on the same machine running at the same time will cause problems.
Ah ... ok. But there is no way to turn off postfix because this is a hosting machine which is not only used by OpenEMM. If I define a transport in Postfix which forwards all E-Mails to my bounce domain to the local SMTP server (8025), do I need to configure anything else than the bounce filters?
Best regards
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:55 pm
by sannc
ma wrote:You must not use Postfix but the internal SMTP server of OpenEMM (which is automatically enabled is you disable Sendmail). Two MTAs on the same machine running at the same time will cause problems.
Next problem: I forwarded all email to my bounce domain to localhost:8025 and this works fine. Now I got a NDR back:
Code: Select all
Mail failed due to 510:
Unknown user
The bounce filter for the address is created and configured as autoresponder. The problem is the same when the bounce filter is configured as forwarder.
Any hints?
Best regards
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:16 am
by sannc
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:18 am
by sannc
I tried a little bit more and found the following in bav-update.log
Code: Select all
[09.07.2008 10:10:17] 3592 ERROR/data: Unable to read local-host-names (2, 'No such file or directory')
[09.07.2008 10:10:17] 3592 ERROR/data: Unable to read virtusertable (2, 'No such file or directory')
[09.07.2008 10:10:17] 3592 ERROR/data: Companys domain "" not found in mailertable
It seems as if OpenEMM tries to figure some sendmail specific things out although I disabled sendmail ... maybe this is a part of the problem?
Please take care of my problem ... I have almost a running system and this is the only thing which does not work yet
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:49 am
by ud
So first, you're right, bav-update still looks for some sendmail files (I tested it on a system with sendmail disabled, but sendmail installed, so I did not hit this problem.) The first line is critical, as the own domain won't be recognized:
Code: Select all
[09.07.2008 10:10:17] 3592 ERROR/data: Unable to read local-host-names (2, 'No such file or directory')
These two lines are annoying, but can safely be ignored:
Code: Select all
[09.07.2008 10:10:17] 3592 ERROR/data: Unable to read virtusertable (2, 'No such file or directory')
[09.07.2008 10:10:17] 3592 ERROR/data: Companys domain "" not found in mailertable
An (untested) short work around: edit the file /home/openemm/bin/scripts/ and change the line 151 from
(please make sure to not change the indention of the code!) To get rid of the other two messages, you can change line 192 the same way.
In the next release, a proper fix will be included.
-- ud
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:12 am
by sannc
Thank you for the quick reply. There is still one error message left:
Code: Select all
[09.07.2008 12:03:24] 23419 ERROR/data: Companys domain "" not found in mailertable
For sure OpenEMM does not know my domain name if it tries to look it up in the mailertable. But when I disable sendmail it needs to get to know it from somewhere else ... the corresponding field in the company_tbl is filled with "".
So I still have the problem that the Forwarder I set up in Bounce filters does not work because the built in SMTP server says:
Code: Select all
Mail failed due to 510:
Unknown user
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:49 pm
by ud
Have you restarted OpenEMM? Otherwise the code change won't show any effect.
-- ud
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:50 pm
by sannc

And the code change does show effect ... two messages are gone but the one I posted remains ...
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:49 pm
by ud
Ahh, okay, the message is misleading, the problem is that now only the local host name is considered as known domain, so if is not the name of your system, this won't work. You can set this domain in line 130, just replace localhost with (keep the apostrophs.)
In the next version the domain is read from the database, so these quirks are no more necessary.
-- ud
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:41 pm
by sannc
... and that's the solution! Now I am a happy user who runs OpenEMM on a Gentoo Linux Box with Postfix

The only thing I have to fix is the immediate bounce detection by slrtscan ...