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No pictures in HTML Version when editing mailing

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:20 am
by olaf
Hi all,

i just updated from 5.5 and found out that pictures are missing, when inserted in html version and saved. I can only see the pictures in the preview, but not in the editor anymore. Does somebody have the same behavior or even a solution?

big problem

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:13 pm
by maschoff
Update: The problem is related to the FCK editor (a third party product we use). We tried a lot (actually, this is the reason why we had to postpone release 5.5.1), but there is no easy fix. Therefore, we will not be able to provide a fix soon. As a workaround please use the preview.

BTW, I just checked - the same problem existed with 5.4 as well.

FCK image issue to remain in OpenEMM 5.5.1?

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:27 pm
by PeacefulWarrior
Hi all,

I just updated to OpenEMM 5.5.1. Am I correct that the FCK image issue as stated below remains in this version?

Does this problem possibly relate to the Java version installed? I run the system in a VMware with an older CentOS image that I keep updated with YUM. Java hasn't been updated since (it's version build 1.5.0_08-b03), so may be users with this problem just need to update to latest Sun JDK 5 (jdk-1_5_0_16-linux-i586.bin)? I didn't have the chance to try yet, just a thought... Any hint welcome.


yes and no

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:36 pm
by maschoff
Yes, the problem still exists. We tried to update to FCK editor version 2.6 and encountered even more problems. An no, the java version should not be the source of the problem.