Date range matching broken again?

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Date range matching broken again?

Post by linker3000 »


We seemed to be on top of things with 5.4 and had managed to send out a couple of mailings, but having 'upgraded' to 5.5.0, target groups and mailings based on date ranges seem to be broken again - for example, I have a database of around 80000 animals with date ranges from 1999 to the current day, but if I create a target group of 'vacdate = 200805 YYYYMM' and then instruct that these records should be deleted, I am told 'o' records will be deleted - but there are hundreds within that criteria.

We have also tried to use a pre-existing target group that should mail clients with date ranges where 'vacdate' = 200808 YYYYMM or 'vacdate2' = 200808 YYYYMM - but this selects or creates a mailing list with 0 entries where there should be several thousand.

Looking into this, if I use a date range of > 20080731 and < 20080901 things seem to work OK so it looks like YYYYMM (ie no day) matching is broken.

Any thoughts?

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bug fix

Post by maschoff »

We are working on fixing this bug. Please follow progress here: ... tid=848488
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Post by linker3000 »

Thanks Ma,

As I have posted in the bugtracker, I tried the updated .class file but no luck so far - but thanks for the quick response to this, I'm sure the problem will be fixed shortly.
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Post by maschoff »

Well, it worked for us on our server. Let's try an example. We create a target group "test" which holds all customers with a change date of July 2008 (change_date = '200807'). This should create in table dyn_target_tbl the entry

Code: Select all

date_format(cust.change_date, '%Y%m') ='200807'
To double-check please run the statement

Code: Select all

select *  from dyn_target_tbl where target_shortname='test';
and verify. This statement should yield the same sequence. If not, please tell us what you got.
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