We would like to deliver a web page created as a Newsletter, through TYPO3 tt_news.
- A sample of the TYPO3 generated page is available at: http://srijan.in/index.php?id=185
- We intend to have this page available on our website
- Our goal is to each month deliver such a page in the email boxes of our customers
Is this possible using OpenEMM? What I noticed in the online demo was that one had to store a template separately, while typing in the content in a separate text area.
That approach would be different than our approach where we deliver the web page as content in email itself.
Is it a good practice to follow what we are doing or no? Should we follow a different approach?
Or can OpenEMM, specifically the extension with TYPO3 be able to handle such a requirement?
Rahul Dewan
Web: http://www.srijan.in
Blog: http://blogs.srijan.in/
CSR: http://www.srijanfoundation.org/
Delivering a web page in Email
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