(Maybe) Bug in WebService "newEmailMailingWithReplyRequ
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:38 pm
We seem to have found a bug in newEmailMailingWithReplyRequest in 5.5.0 unless we are doing something wrong. We have configured a Template (ID=105) which we want to use to create Mailings from. We use this call ass follows (in PHP):
We are unsure about the target ID definition but the result of the above call is that:
a) A new mailing is created (which is great!)
b) The content of Template 105 is initialized back to the default settings! (which is wrong we believe)
We must be doing something wrong. Can somoen suggest what we are doing wrong or is this a bug which is maybe fixed in 5.5.1?
Thanks in advance
We seem to have found a bug in newEmailMailingWithReplyRequest in 5.5.0 unless we are doing something wrong. We have configured a Template (ID=105) which we want to use to create Mailings from. We use this call ass follows (in PHP):
Code: Select all
$shortname = "MyShortName";
$description = "just testing";
$mailinglist_id = 3;
$target_id['0'] = 0; // Documenation appears incorrect.
$mailing_type = 0;
$template_id = 105;
$email_subject = "My New Subject";
$email_sender = "My@Email.com";
$email_charset = "iso-8859-1";
$email_linefeed = "\n\r";
$email_format = 1;
$params = array ( 'username' => (string) $this->loginCredential['login'],
'password' => (string) $this->loginCredential['password'],
'shortname' => (string) $shortname,
'description' => (string) $description,
'mailinglistID' => (int) $mailinglist_id,
'targetID' => $target_id,
'mailingType' => (int) $mailing_type,
'templateID' => (int) $template_id,
'emailSubject' => (string) $email_subject,
'emailSender' => (string) $email_sender,
'emailCharset' => (string) $email_charset,
'emailLinefeed' => (int) $email_linefeed,
'emailFormat' => (int) $email_format
$mailing_id = $this->soapClient->__soapCall('newEmailMailing', $params);
a) A new mailing is created (which is great!)
b) The content of Template 105 is initialized back to the default settings! (which is wrong we believe)
We must be doing something wrong. Can somoen suggest what we are doing wrong or is this a bug which is maybe fixed in 5.5.1?
Thanks in advance