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(Maybe) Bug: insertContent

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:56 pm
by doubledutch

I also would like to confirm as per another post on this forum that this call doesn't work in 5.5.1. It throws a soap exeption:

Code: Select all

	$params = array (	'username' 		=> (string)	$this->loginCredential['login'],
							'password' 		=> (string)	$this->loginCredential['password'], 
							'mailingID' 	=> (int)	$mailing_id, 
							'blockName' 	=> (string)	$block_name, 
							'blockContent' 	=> (string)	$block_content, 
							'targetID' 		=> 	array($target_id),
							'priority' 		=> (int)	$priority

$soap_result = $this->soapClient->__soapCall('insertContent', $params);

Re: (Maybe) Bug: insertContent

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:25 pm
by lelobo
Same I have problem about InsertContent and I'm using PHP.

I'm getting an error when using insertContent (text or html) via webservices (all other webservice requests work fine).


require_once 'SOAP/Client.php';
$username = "openemmws";
$password = "openemmws";
$wsdl_url = "openemm-old.wsdl";
$WSDL = new SOAP_WSDL($wsdl_url);
$client = $WSDL->getProxy();

$mailingid=80; // exist Id mailing
$blockcontent="<html><p>Hello World!</p></html>";
$result = $client->insertContent($username, $password,
$mailingid, $blockname, $blockcontent, $targetid, $priority);


java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already value [org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionHolder@3993b6] for key [org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl@11756a7] bound to thread [resin-tcp-connection-*:8080-5]

Any have idea to solve it?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:03 pm
by campariorange