OpenEMM 5.5.1 on Glassfish V2
Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:17 pm
I was able to somewhat get v5.5.1 running on Glassfish. After login in, the campaign/list.jsp wasn't working properly.
For an example, ${campaignForm.numberofRows} in <display:table> tag wasn't evaluated. I have to switch the display tag to use the displaytag-el.tld to get it evaluated.
In addtion, all the struts tags (<html:link>) weren't evaluating their expression variables (${ACTION_VIEW}, ${ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE}) either. Do I need to switch everything to struts-el tags to get it working like I did for the display tag?
I was able to somewhat get v5.5.1 running on Glassfish. After login in, the campaign/list.jsp wasn't working properly.
For an example, ${campaignForm.numberofRows} in <display:table> tag wasn't evaluated. I have to switch the display tag to use the displaytag-el.tld to get it evaluated.
In addtion, all the struts tags (<html:link>) weren't evaluating their expression variables (${ACTION_VIEW}, ${ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE}) either. Do I need to switch everything to struts-el tags to get it working like I did for the display tag?