EmmLayout.class class file has wrong version
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:01 pm
I've just installed OpenEmm 5.5.1 on an Ubuntu vserver. Every step of the installation manual succeeded so far (I only had to change the JAVA_OPTION to use due to restricted memory management on the virtual server).
There seems to be some sendmail problem, I don't think it has to do anything with my actual problem though.
Starting OpenEmm:
Now, my actualy problem is, that trying to access the login page on port 8080 results in the following error:
This happens both with Java 1.6.0 and 1.5.0_06 I would really appreciate if anyone had a hint or a solution on how to tackle this problem. Should I try an older version, is there some false version information in the class files of the package I am using?
Thanks for any help.
I've just installed OpenEmm 5.5.1 on an Ubuntu vserver. Every step of the installation manual succeeded so far (I only had to change the JAVA_OPTION to use
Code: Select all
There seems to be some sendmail problem, I don't think it has to do anything with my actual problem though.
Starting OpenEmm:
Code: Select all
sh-3.1$ ./OpenEMM.sh start
Start /home/openemm/bin/scripts/bav-update.py .. done.
Start /home/openemm/bin/scripts/bav-trigger.py .. done.
Start /home/openemm/bin/scripts/bavd.py .. done.
Start /home/openemm/bin/bav -L INFO .. done.
Start /home/openemm/bin/scripts/update.py bounce account .. done.
Start /home/openemm/bin/scripts/pickdist.py .. done.
Stopping obsolete sendmail processes: done.
Starting sendmails: listener sendmail: illegal option -- q
sendmail: usage: sendmail [ -t ] [ -fsender ] [ -Fname ] [ -bp ] [ -bs ] [ arg ... ]
admin queue sendmail: illegal option -- q
sendmail: usage: sendmail [ -t ] [ -fsender ] [ -Fname ] [ -bp ] [ -bs ] [ arg ... ]
mail queue sendmail: illegal option -- q
sendmail: usage: sendmail [ -t ] [ -fsender ] [ -Fname ] [ -bp ] [ -bs ] [ arg ... ]
Start /home/openemm/bin/scripts/slrtscn.py .. done.
sh-3.1$ Resin httpd start at Wed Oct 29 16:41:42 CET 2008
Code: Select all
An error occurred
Cause: javax.servlet.ServletException: com.caucho.jsp.JspParseException: Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx64m _jsp/_logon__jsp.java:10: cannot access org.agnitas.beans.EmmLayout bad class file: /home/openemm/webapps/core/WEB-INF/classes/org/agnitas/beans/EmmLayout.class class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0 Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. import org.agnitas.beans.EmmLayout; ^ 1 error
Thanks for any help.