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Installation question
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:06 am
by shibadoo
Hi there,
when installing OpenEMM, I cam across some questions, where the installation manual is not that clear for me. My situation is like that:
- OpenEMM is installed on a server, let's call it server_a (root server)
- The mail server and the server, where our Website is hosted, is different from that, let's call it server_b (managed server)
My goal is primarily to send the Email via server_b. Most of the (trackable) links in the mailings will also point to server_b (our own website).
Now my questions:
- MX record DNS entry: Which server do I have to use here? A or B?
- MySQL configuration for the redirection service: Which server do I have to use here? A or B?
Thanks a lot for helping!
no support?
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:04 am
by shibadoo
Well, seems as if this forum is not of very much help. None of my two (simple) questions were answered, almost half of the questions on the first page of the Installation forum have no answer at all.
Although being an Open Source product, I would expect to get a little help at least, especially for installation.... at the moment, it is of no use for me, so most likely I will have to switch to another product.... sad, because I like OpenEMM...
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:54 pm
by shibadoo
So, finally we installed OpenEMM and did the frist Email camapign. Until now everything works fine. The only thing is that we did not manage to get the bounce managemetn working (obviosuly we cannot do this MX record entry). What helped me quite a lot when installing and configuring OpenEMM was this doucment here: ... penEMM.pdf
Re: Installation question
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:52 pm
by mkalen
shibadoo wrote:
when installing OpenEMM, I cam across some questions, where the installation manual is not that clear for me. My situation is like that:
- OpenEMM is installed on a server, let's call it server_a (root server)
- The mail server and the server, where our Website is hosted, is different from that, let's call it server_b (managed server)
My goal is primarily to send the Email via server_b. Most of the (trackable) links in the mailings will also point to server_b (our own website).
Now my questions:
- MX record DNS entry: Which server do I have to use here? A or B?
- MySQL configuration for the redirection service: Which server do I have to use here? A or B?
I would try to use an Apache httpd as web front-end on server B and use this address as re-direction domain. OpenEMM-requests to server B would then be proxied to the back-end server A, see eg. ... #proxypass (just remember to add "ProxyRequests Off" in order not to become an open proxy!)
This would give you consistent links for your website and offline HTML and tracking links sent out from OpenEMM on server A and you would not need a public IP-address for it (unless you used this machine for bounce management/sender address).
I guess it depends on how much control you have over your managed server or wether you can just add web content through some ISP "control panel".
It would be interesting to hear which setup you choose in the end, since I will be configuring something similar in the near future.
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:11 pm
by shibadoo
Well, we made it quite simpel (as described in this magazine article): defined an A record in the DNS pointing to the IP adress of server_a. That was pretty much it. We skipped the Bounce Management because of some strange reasons mentioned by the admins of our managed server. To be honest, Bounce Management isn't too important for us as our email addresses are kept up to date all the time.