agnIMAGE tags suddenly empty
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:57 am
We're just about to go live with our mailings, and for some reason all the images have disappeared.
From the template, this:
<img src="[agnIMAGE name="banner-103x35.gif"]" alt="Offer">
becomes in the preview:
<img src="" alt="Offer">
If I use FCKeditor to 'pick' the image in the template then
<img height="35" width="103" src=" ... 103x35.gif" alt="" />
is in the template and the preview, and the image is shown.
Any ideas why the agnIMAGE tags have stopped working?
From the template, this:
<img src="[agnIMAGE name="banner-103x35.gif"]" alt="Offer">
becomes in the preview:
<img src="" alt="Offer">
If I use FCKeditor to 'pick' the image in the template then
<img height="35" width="103" src=" ... 103x35.gif" alt="" />
is in the template and the preview, and the image is shown.
Any ideas why the agnIMAGE tags have stopped working?