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problem with installation -mysqladmin-
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:01 pm
by imad022
hi all,
I have not come to install the openemm :
i installed python 2.5
i installed jdk 6 for java
mysql is already installed with easyphp
when i start the file setup.bat , i have this error :
en français :
'mysqladmin' n'est pas reconnue en tant que commande interne ou externe
that's mean mysqladmin no exists.
sombody help me
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:13 pm
by maschoff
mysqladmin is an important component of MySQL. Either your MySQL installation is incomplete and the file is missing, or setup.bat can not find it (i.e. the location of mysqladmin is not included in the PATH).
Re: problem with installation -mysqladmin-
Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:00 pm
by mkalen
Also note that setup.bat ( really) does not use the Windows PATH but rather reads hardcoded values from the registry to form a local path used by the install program.
I found this out while trying if OpenEMM would install easily with MySQL Community Server v5.1 rather than v5.0. This is not the case because of the following in
Code: Select all
# find mysql
mskey = r'SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server 5.0'
mysqlhome = agn.winregFind (mskey, 'Location')
if not mysqlhome is None:
addpath (mysqlhome + os.path.sep + 'bin')
I did have v5.1 mysqladmin in PATH (verified in a command shell, also tried using short DOS-names like "~1" to see if spaces in the MySQL program path was the problem).
Instead of trying to fix (since there might be other incompatibilities) I reverted MySQL Community Server to v5.0 which works without a problem. And yes, I know the documentation says 5.0 - this was just a quick test.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:33 pm
by maschoff
Thanks for your feedback. We will provide a improved install script for OpenEMM 5.6.
MYsqla dmin not recognized
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:08 pm
by jkiwanuka
I'm trying to install the latest version of this software. I already have mysql 5.1 configured and all software installed. But I keep getting the message mysqladmin not recognised. Where should I setup the PATH to crrect this?
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:32 am
by maschoff
mysqladmin is a component of MySQL. It is not related to OpenEMM. Please visit the website of MySQL for help.
Re: problem with installation -mysqladmin-
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:23 pm
by Kiley Love
I had the same problem,
Here is what I did to fix it
run regedit
navigate to HKEY_USERS
navigate to user id (usually a string such as S-1-5-21-##########-##########-##########-####)
navigate to software
navigate to MySQL AB
navigate to MySQL Server 5.x
insert new string value (right click > new > string value)
name new string value "location"
modify new string value ( right click on "location" > select modify... )
enter path to MySQL Server 5.x\bin
mine was C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin
click ok
go back to openemm and run setup.bat
worked for me.
this was pretty frustrating until I discovered that setup.bat doesn't use the windows environment path, instead it uses the registry setting, my installation of MySQL didn't put the location in the registry setting, so I had to manually enter it using the steps above. Hope this helps all those who run into the same problem on a windows install of OpenEMM...