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No Reply-To email address

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:23 am
by RestLessGemini

there is no reply-to email address field, only Reply-To Full Name field is there, how to specify Reply-To email address?


Please advice.


~ rLg

reply-to address

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:18 am
by maschoff
If you want to define a reply-to email address which is different from the sender email address you have to wait for v5.1 (sorry!).

Right now you can only define different real names. (But, of course, you can use the real name to provide the name of an email address like "for requests please use email address".)

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:53 pm
by Payam

The Reply-To Full Name does not appear in the e-mail-clients.
Is this problem known?

Another Problem: If the Sender Full-Name contains a character like "." or "," then it doesn't appear in the e-mails-clients. The Sender Full-Name is empty.

Thank you


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:59 am
by maschoff
Hi Payam, both of your bug reports are accepted and will be removed in the next relase.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:59 pm
by RestLessGemini
Affected version: 5.0.2

Description: If you edit a mailing, there is a field for Reply-Name, but no one for Reply-Address.

Symptoms: In your the mails sent by your mailing, you may discover a broken or empty Reply-To-Header.

Detail: If you enter a name into the Reply-Name field, the Reply-To-Header of the mails looks like this:

Reply-To: Name <>

If you enter an email-address into the file Reply-Name, the Reply-To-Header looks like this:


Both is wrong. We need either no or a full Reply-To-Header.

Also see Bug-Tracker


* open htdocs/mailing/view_base.jsp
* locate the following JSP-code:

<td><bean:message key="ReplyFullName"/>: </td>
<html:text property="media[0].replyFullname" maxlength="99" size="42"/>


* then add the following JSP-code above it:

<td><bean:message key="ReplyEmail"/>: </td>
<html:text property="media[0].replyEmail" maxlength="99" size="42"/>


Note: The values you enter in the new form-field are not checked, whether they are a correct EMail-address or not.

Fixed in Version: none
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